Reflexology, Reiki, Aroma Reflex, RLD ( Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage ) Bergman Method Facial Reflexologist, ZoneFace Lift Practitioner
in Liverpool
in Liverpool
How I Can Help You
Hi my name is Paula, and I am a Reflexologist, Reiki, Aroma Reflex, RLD ( Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage) Facial Reflexology, Zone Facelift practitioner based at home in Aigburth, Liverpool, within easy reach of Birkenhead, Widnes and other surrounding areas. I am a full member of the Association of Reflexologists, and the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council.
I am a fully qualified and insured level 5 Clinical Reflexologist Practitioner - this level is the highest level within the UK and has a lot of extra training with it including NEPIP, which is only available from level 5 practitioners.
NEPIP (NeuroEndoPsycholmmunoPody) is a specialised reflexology treatment that is particularly effective in helping with stress / anxiety as the NEPIP routine focuses on the body systems that are most affected by the stress response.
This treatment is also helped with the client working with the practitioner by touching certain parts of the body whist the practitioner works on the same reflex points on the feet that correspond to the parts of the body that the client is holding. The practitioner will read out intentions that the client can either repeat saying out loud or to themselves in the head.
This is a very empowering and enlightening treatment that has helped many of my clients.
NEPIP helps communicate with and between the following System's:
With using these systems to communicate it can also help support you with:
I am qualified and specialise in RLD ( Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage ). I have helped many clients with Lymphoedema, Lipoedema and Oedema using this sequence in reducing swelling, pain & heaviness relating to their condition. Please look under my RLD for more information and before and after treatment pictures.
I like to form trusting relationships with my clients so that they feel that they can talk to me in complete confidence.
To find out more about the services I offer, please click here.

About Me
After suffering with mental health issues myself for a number of years and taking western medicine, I was advised to try complementary therapy. I first tried Reiki and I couldn’t believe the impact it had on me right away, I had a few more treatments until I decided to qualify in this myself so I could share and help others with this treatment like it had helped me. Plus, when giving Reiki to someone you're also receiving it yourself too.
I then had Reflexology some time later and the results from this was just as beneficial and outstanding as with Reiki, so I decided to look more into this treatment and saw the many health benefits you can receive from it. I then decided to train in this in the highest level within the UK, which is a level 5.
I no longer have any health issues or take any western medicine due to me having regular holistic therapies along with self help, and a healthy lifestyle.
As I love learning new things and am committed to my practice, I’m constantly doing extra CPD courses and plan to keep growing my practice to add extra holistic therapies.